Help / FAQs

When will the registration open?

The registration process for Hajj is now open for Pakistan and Overseas Pakistanis (residing anywhere in the world) with Valid PAKISTANI PASSPORT, you can contact us via WhatsApp/Call to register your interest for this year's Hajj.

Do you have Whatsapp chat or SMS option too for Hajj Booking?

Yes, we have WhatsApp numbers for USA, UK, Canada, UAE, Saudia & Pakistan for any information support or assistance regarding Hajj besides registering for Hajj.

Being a female, can I travel alone direct to Saudia from my country of residence?

Yes, you can book for Hajj as a single Lady & Fly direct to Saudia from anywhere in the world to join our group in Madina, we will arrange for your pickup from Madina Airport.

If I am single female, without a Mehram?

No Need of Mehram when travelling for Hajj in a Group.

Can I go for Hajj-e-Badl if I have already performed my Hajj in past?

Yes, with Sirajia Group you can again go for Hajj or Hajj-e-Badal for your deceased loved once.

Do I need to have a Pakistani Passport?

Yes, as our hajj packages are only for Pakistanis residing in Pakistan or Overseas with VALID PASSPORT even if holding dual Nationality. Hajj visa can only be issued on your valid Pakistani Passport.

Do I need to send my Passport to Pakistan for getting Hajj visa?

No, under new policy Hajj visa is applied ONLINE & E-Hajj VISA comes as PDF file via Email so there is no need to submit Hard copy of your Passport. Only a clear digital picture or scanned copy of your Passport's 1st page, Picture and Biometric completed through Saudi Visa Bio APP ( is enough for us to get your E-Hajj Visa issued exactly similar like getting a Umrah visa.

How can I book for Short Hajj with Sirajia Group without Nusuk?

You can book your confirmed seat in our Short Hajj Package by email, website, whatsApp or via phone call.

Which Passport will be used at the time of entry & exit at Saudi Arabia?

Pakistani Passports will be used at immigration counter in Saudi Arabia both at the time of entry & exit.

What are the advantages of booking Short Hajj via Sirajia Group as compared to Nusuk?

A: Applying for Hajj through us bypasses the cumbersome NUSUK Hajj system. The main benefits & advantages of our Hajj group over NUSUK online system are:

  1. Your seat is 100% confirmed, while Nusuk app/website where you may or may not get a confirmed seat. However, on NUSUK website /App there is always a chance of not getting a confirmed Hajj seat or otherwise your selected package may not be available.
  2. You can select your own Hajj Packages as per your needs & budget. You can even customize your Hajj Package as per your individual needs, which is not possible if booked via Nusuk.
  3. From the day of your booking, you are 100% sure not only about your confirmed seat for Hajj but also all your requested Hajj package details are also confirmed without any uncertainty.

What documents are needed to apply for Hajj application?

Following documents are needed to apply for hajj application: - NICOP - Pakistani Passport with minimum 08 months validity from the date of travelling, Digital Photo, Vaccination certificates, Basic Information regarding Blood Group and Next of Kin

Do we have to come to Pakistan first or can we go directly from USA or Canada to Saudi Arabia?

You can directly travel to Saudi Arabia from your country of residence without coming to Pakistan.

Can we enter Saudi Arabia on our visit visa and join with your Hajj group?

On visit visa, you can not perform Hajj. For Hajj, you must have Hajj Visa.

Are you as approved Hajj organiser?

Yes, we are registered both with the Govt. of Pakistan & Govt. of Saudi Arabia.

Do you have Whatsapp chat option too for Hajj Booking?

Yes, we have WhatsApp numbers for USA, UK, Canada, Middle East, Saudia & Pakistan for any information support or assistance regarding Hajj besides registering for Hajj. We can arrange Online Meet for the Pre-Briefing of Hajj according to mutually agreed time and date.

Being a female, can I travel alone directly to Saudia from my country of residence?

Yes, you can book for Hajj as a single Lady & Fly direct to Saudia from anywhere in the world to join our group in Madina, we will arrange for your pickup from Jeddah/Madina Airport as per Saudi Policy and package selected.

How can I book for Short Hajj with EXECUTIVE HAJJ & UMRAH without Nusuk?

You can book your confirmed seat in our Short Hajj Package by email, website, whatsApp or via phone call if you are Pakistani National with Valid Pakistani Passport.

What are the advantages of booking Short Hajj via EXECUTIVE HAJJ & UMRAH as compared to Nusuk?

Guaranteed Seats: With us, your Hajj seat is 100% confirmed from the moment of booking. In contrast, the NUSUK platform offers no certainty, and your desired package may not always be available.

Customized Packages: Unlike the fixed options on NUSUK, we provide the flexibility to select or tailor Hajj packages to suit your individual needs and budget.

Peace of Mind: From booking day, all your package details are finalized, ensuring a stress-free experience with no surprises or uncertainties.

Do we have to come to Pakistan first or can we go directly from our residing country to Saudi Arabia?

You can directly travel to Saudi Arabia from your country of residence without coming to Pakistan.

Can Children under 12 years perform Hajj?

No Under 12 year Children are not allowed to perform Hajj as per new Hajj Policy

Is Qurbani included?

No, Qurbani is not included in the package. We offer options during Hajj Days either to do Qurbani individually or through Government Hajj Provided Token. Our dedicated staff is always available for the assistance

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